vendredi 23 décembre 2011

Les plus gros salaires du football 2011

En cumulant son salaire annuel, ses primes et ses contrats publicitaires, David Beckham était de loin le joueur le plus payé du football fin 2010 selon un classement Forbes. Samuel Eto’o, et ses 20,5 millions d’euros de salaire en Russie, promet de changer la donne en 2012. 

L’an dernier, David Beckham a explosé les compteurs avec des revenus annuels de 30,6 millions d’euros. Le joueur des Los Angeles Galaxy touche un salaire annuel de plus de 4 millions d'euros. Cette somme devrait rester inchangée à son arrivée au PSG, prévue pour janvier. Le club parisien lui aurait promis 800.000 euros brut par an (hors primes), loin devant les 500.000 euros de Yoann Gourcuff, actuel joueur le mieux payé de Ligue 1 et deux fois le salaire annuel de son futur coéquipier, Javier Pastore. A cela s’ajouteront les revenus issus des multitudes de contrats publicitaires du joueur. Véritable marque à part entière, «Spice Boy» est associé à Adidas, H&M, Emporio Armani, Pepsi Cola, Samsung, Sainsbury, Gillette, Vodafone, Sony Playstation, Police…… 
Cristiano Ronaldo a touché 29 millions d’euros en 2010, issu des 13 millions d’euros payés annuellement par le Real Madrid, plus les primes et les revenus publicitaires tirés de ses apparitions dans des campagnes Nike ou encore Armani.
Lionel Messi occupe la troisième place du podium avec 24,4 millions d’euros en 2010. Deux fois ballon d’or et nominé pour ce trophée en 2011, le joueur du FC Barcelone suscite toujours plus d’intérêts de la part des publicitaires. Les marques associées à son image, notamment Adidas, Lay’s, Konami, Audemars Piguet, Chery et Air Europa, lui ont permis d’ajouter plus de 9 millions d'euros à son salaire de 11 millions au Barça.
Ricardo Kaka, joueur brésilien du Real Madrid, a empoché 19 millions d’euros. En plus des 10 millions que lui verse le club, le joueur profite (comme beaucoup de ses coéquipiers) du succès des jeux de la saga FIFA d’Electronic Arts (plus de 100 millions d’unités vendues) auxquels son image est associée.
Ronaldinho, désormais joueur du club brésilien Flamengo, touchait à l'AC Milan 7,5 millions d’euros par an. Primes et contrats publicitaires inclus, ses revenus se sont élevés l’an dernier à 18,3 millions d'euros. Son nouveau club depuis janvier, lui verse 9 millions d’euros par an, ce qui devrait lui faire gagner quelques places au classement des revenus globaux de 2011.
Seul Français du classement en 2010 : Thierry Henry. Installé à New York, le joueur des New York Red Bulls a touché 16 millions d’euros l'an dernier. Mais son très lucratif contrat avec Gillette, qui n’a pas été renouvelé à son échéance au 31 décembre 2010, a amputé une partie de ses revenus en 2011.
Wayne Rooney a perçu 15,3 millions d’euros en 2010, tirés des 11 millions d’euros versés par Manchester United et des pubs Nike et Electronic Arts. Le joueur a réussi à obtenir une rallonge lors de la prolongation de son contrat avec le club anglais, validée en fin d'automne 2010 pour 13,2 millions d’euros brut par an. Il perdra en revanche les 1 million de dollars que lui versait chaque année Coca-Cola, le contrat n’ayant pas été renouvelé. 
Franck Lampard, joueur de Chelsea, a touché 13 millions d’euros en 2010 dont 8,2 millions d’euros de salaire annuel. L’Anglais partage cette huitième place avec Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Milan AC), 13 millions d'euros l’an dernier aussi.
Samuel Eto’o risque de bouleverser la hiérarchie du classement l’an prochain. Avec ses 11,5 millions d’euros annuels en 2010, tirés de ses revenus à l’Inter Milan, ses primes et sponsors, le joueur camerounais est dans les derniers de ce top 10. Mais il joue depuis cette année sous les couleurs de l'Anzhi Makachkala, un club russe situé dans la République du Daguestan, qui lui verse le salaire le plus élevé dans le monde du football: 20,5 millions d’euros par an et une prime de 20.000 euros par but marqués. Auquel s’ajouteront les revenus des contrats publicitaires.
A noter que Nicolas Anelka pourrait faire son entrée au classement l'an prochain puisque son nouveau club, le chinois Shanghai Shenhua avec qui il débutera en janvier prochain, lui versera un salaire d’environ 12 millions d’euros par an.

Dimitri Mbouwe 

lundi 12 décembre 2011

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il y a trop d'accidents sur nos routes

les accidents de circulation au cameroun

samedi 10 décembre 2011


Tout sur le clasico

Retrouvez tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la 216e confrontation, remportée (3-1) par le Barça à Madrid.
Le Barça n'a laissé aucune chance au Real Madrid ce samedi.(REUT)
Le Barça n'a laissé aucune chance au Real Madrid ce samedi.(REUT)

SAMEDI : Le Barça toujours trop fort

SAMEDI : le tête à tête en chiffres

Marcelo et Lionel Messi ne passeront pas leurs vacances ensemble.

SAMEDI : Le dilemme des systèmes

Le 3-4-3 permet à Fabregas d'évoluer très près de Messi en attaque. Et de marquer beaucoup de buts..

VENDREDI : Le Barça «plus dans la nécessité»

Le Barça «plus dans la nécessité»

5 Little Known Facts About World War II

5 Little Known Facts About World War II

The history of World War II is well documented and much more is known about this conflict than any other in history due to the amount of surviving documents and, of course, living testimony. However with such a wealth of information, many of the interesting events and facts about the war are all but forgotten, here are a few examples.

1. Secret Messages from the BBC

The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) was the most listened to radio station in the world during the war. The news in particular had a reputation for its honesty about world events and millions of people throughout Nazi occupied Europe tuned in at great risk to themselves.
At the beginning of certain programs, the BBC would put in what were known as ‘message personnels’, which were coded messages to resistance groups throughout Europe. To most listeners, the messages meant nothing but to the informed few, they could mean anything from ‘blow up a section of railway line’ at a given point, to ‘a new SOE agent will arrive shortly’.
The most awaited secret message by the BBC came with the approach of D-Day and was from the first two lines of a Paul Verlaine couplet. “The long sobs of the violins of Autumn” was the first and told resistance groups to prepare, soon after, the second, “Soothes my heart with a monotonous languor”, told all resistance groups in France that the time to fight had come.

2. Jewish Lives Saved by Reverse Circumcision

During WW II many Jewish lives were saved by doctors performing operations connected to circumcision. Dr Josef Jaksy would make a small incision on the penis of his patient, then give him a certificate stating that his circumcision was recent and done for medical purposes.
A Polish doctor by the name of Dr Feliks Kanabus went a step further and performed around 140 operations to hide the circumcision of the patient by attaching skin to the penis taken from another part of the body.

3. Wagner’s Lost Scores

On his 50th birthday, Adolf Hitler was presented with a case containing the original scores of some the music of composer Richard Wagner. A group of industrialists had paid nearly a million marks for the collection which included the scores of ‘Die Feen’, ‘Die Liebesverbot’, ‘Reinzi’, ‘Das Reingold’, and ‘Die Valkure’ and the orchestral sketch of ‘Der Fliegende Hollander’.
Towards the end of the war, Frau Winifred Wagner offered to take them to a safe place for the Fuehrer but he refused saying he had already put them in an extremely secure location; Hitler wasn’t kidding as the manuscripts haven’t been found to this day.

10 Bizarre Sex World Records


10 Bizarre Sex World Records

Published on 5/25/2010 under Misc - by Gracie Murano - 4,096,805 views 
TAGS: biggest vagina, largest penis, gang bang, gangbang

From an 82-year-old prostitute to a 500 people orgy and the world's gang bang record, meet some of the weirdest sex world records you may not see in the Guinness Book.

 World's Largest Penis – 13.5 in

World's Largest Penis – 13.5 in
The official rank of the largest penis belongs to a man measured and documented by Dr. Robert Dickinson in the earlier part of the twentieth century. This record-holding penis was 13.5 inches (34 cm) in length and 6.25 inches (16 cm) in circumference.

But the living owner of the world's biggest human penis is Jonah Falcon. Falcon's 13-5 inch member has been measured for a TV special, making him one of the few guys who can back up his bodily boasts. (Link 1 | Link 2)

 World's Largest Vagina – 19 in

World's Largest Vagina – 19 in
The Largest Vagina most likely belonged to Scottish giantess Anna Swan (1846-1888), a remarkable woman who set a number of records relating to her bulk. Born normally sized, she began growing at a prodigious rate in childhood, finally reaching a maximum height of 7' 8" at age 19. Capitalizing on her huge size, she joined a side show and toured the country, where she met and fell in love with Captain Martin Bates, another giant who measured over 7 feet tall. They wed in 1872, making them the tallest married couple in the world, a record that still stands today. The couple settled down into married life, built a mansion filled with enormous furniture, including an 11' by 7' bed where they consummated their union. On June 18, 1879, she gave birth to the largest baby in history, weighing 26 lbs. and 34 inches in length—so large, in fact, that it became tightly wedged in her capacious tract, only extricated by the use of forceps and belts. The child did not survive the rigors of birth, but a cast was made, still on display at the Cleveland Museum of Health. Generally the largest part of an infant is the head. We know that the tyke's cranium measured about 19 inches (48cm) in circumference, hence we compute the minimum dilation of Swan's passage as 6 inches, or just over 15 cm. That's pretty wide—the normal dilation for childbirth is 10 cm. (Link)

 World's Most Prolific Mother (69 babies)

World's Most Prolific Mother (69 babies)
Feodor Vassilyev (1707-1782), was a peasant from Shuya, Russia. Though not noteworthy himself, his first wife, Valentina Vassilyeva, set the record for most children birthed by a single woman. She gave birth to total of 69 children; however, few other details are known of her life, such as her date of birth or death. She gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets between 1725 and 1765, in a total of 27 births. 67 of the 69 children born survived infancy. The modern world record for giving birth is held by Leontina Albina from San Antonio, Chile. Now in her mid-sixties, she claims to be the mother of 64 children. Of these, 55 are documented. The mother with the greatest number of kids that are not tiwns is Livia Ionce. This Romanian woman, 44, gave birth to her 18th child in Canada in 2008. (Link)

 World's Biggest Distance for a Jet of Semen – 18 ft

World's Biggest Distance for a Jet of Semen – 18 ft
Horst Schultz achieved 18 ft 9 in (6 m) with a 'substantial' amount of seminal fluid. He also holds the records for the greatest height (12 ft 4in) and the greatest speed of ejaculation, or muzzle velocity, with 42.7mph. (Link)

 World's Oldest Prostitute – 82-year-old

World's Oldest Prostitute – 82-year-old
Prostitution is commonly known as the world's oldest profession. Meanwhile police in Tai Pei estimate an 82 -year-old nicknamed "Grandma" to be the oldest living, working prostitute. Chiu went into the business about 40 years ago, after a man she had lived with for two decades died. She stays in the business charging ten or twenty times less than others prostitutes.(Link)

 World's Biggest Orgy – 250 couples

World's Biggest Orgy – 250 couples
Japan has successfully set a new world record – having 250 men and 250 women consent to have sex in the same place at the same time, completing the world's biggest orgy! The Orgy was held in a warehouse with a professional camera crew taking pictures and recording the entire event. Each sex act and position was choreographed so that couples were simultaneous in their actions. Despite the "orgy" label, the 250 couples (all tested STD-free) featured in the video have sex only with each other and not with any other couple. The entire event is available for purchase on DVD.(Link 1 | Link 2)

 World's Biggest Gang Bang – 919 guys in the same day

World's Biggest Gang Bang – 919 guys in the same day
Lisa Sparxxx is a noted American pornographic actress. She had sex with 919 guys in a single day, setting a world record. Specifically, it occurred during Eroticon 2004, a Polish convention that celebrates exactly what its title suggests, as part of the Third Annual World Gangbang Championship. This wasn't just some publicity stunt either; the coveted “World Gang Bang Record” had changed “hands” back in 2002 and 2003, when the number reached was 646 and 759, respectively. (Link)

 World's Longest Man Masturbation – 10 hours

World's Longest Man Masturbation – 10 hours
A man by the name of Masanobu Sato attended the 2009 World Masturbate-a-thon held by the Center for Sex & Culture in San Francisco and set the world record for longest session by jerking it for 9 hours and 58 minutes. He came all the way from Japan just for the event, armed with a wide variety of sexual aids, and the record he was beating was his own. Last year he set the record with 9 hours and 33 minutes. (Link)

 World's Strongest Vagina - lifts 31 lbs with her vagina

World's Strongest Vagina - lifts 31 lbs with her vagina
Meet Tatiata Kozhevnikova, the 42-year-old Russian woman with the world's strongest vagina. No, seriously, she broke records to attain that title. Incredibly enough, she lifted 14 kilograms worth of weights-- almost 31 pounds-- to achieve such notoriety. She has been exercising her intimate muscles for fifteen years, and has already made her entrance into the Guinness Book of Records as the possessor of the world's strongest vagina. “After I had a child, my intimate muscles got unbelievably weak. I read books on Dao and learned that ancient women used to deal with this problem using wooden balls,” she said.


 World's Oldest Father – 90-year-old

World's Oldest Father – 90-year-old
The world's oldest father has done it again, fathering a child for at least the 21st time, at the age of 90. Indian farmer Nanu Ram Jogi, who is married to his fourth wife, boasts he does not want to stop, and plans to continue producing children until he is 100. Mr Jogi admits he is not certain how many children his series of four wives have borne him - but counts at least 12 sons and nine daughters and 20 grandchildren. (Link)

More Info: 
Anthony Giustina's book Sex World Records
is similar to Guinness World Records except it is only about sex. This book includes info about the world's largest orgy, the world's longest penis, the world's biggest breasts, the world's most unusual sex positions, photos, cartoons and much more.

The greatest of all great grandma's
by The Informant on 5/11/2011
 3 votes
When my great grandmother died she had 68 grandsons and 34 great grand sons... And she died before I(...)
Single births by one woman
by Jerimy Shannon on 1/10/2011
 15 votes
My great grand mother had 25 single births by her husband and adopted two Hazelhurst, MS. JC an(...)
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